CAP Arreghini mette a disposizione un'ampia soluzione di prodotti e guide passo-passo per risolvere ogni tua problematica o esigenza. Guarda le domande frequenti e se non trovi quallo che cerchi, compila il form qui sotto.
The formation of cracks and their dynamic development are phenomena linked to various causes that create an interruption in the continuity of the substrate. In order to give adequate protection, it is necessary to use special, highly resistant paints that are suitable for the type of substrate both as a preventive measure and during maintenance.
Substrate alkalinity is the quantity of salts with alkali properties present in a substrate: it represents the substrate ability to resist induced changes in its pH.
Carbonation is the phenomenon that threatens the protection of the iron reinforcement bars. Carbon dioxide and the aggressive agents contained in the atmosphere or in acid rain, in fact, cause a reduction in the pH of concrete with consequent deterioration and increase in porosity. When the pH is reduced, in fact, the porosity promotes corrosion of the iron reinforcement bars, with consequent increase in volume and formation of flaking off and broken parts. ?Curing is the combination of protective techniques applied to the concrete to prevent water evaporation (lower hydration of the surface cement would cause greater porosity in the most functional part protecting the metal reinforcement bars), the risk of cracking and lower mechanical resistance to abrasion.
A siloxane water-repellent product guarantees resistance to vapour diffusion that is compatible with the breathability of the plaster, so as not to obstruct the discharge of the vapour itself and, at the same time, preventing water from penetrating.
Asbestos encapsulation is a form of maintenance operation on the original roofing, performed by applying specific products which enable the fixing and sealing of the asbestos fibres contained in the structure. In addition to the efficacious fixing and coating of the asbestos fibres, the treatment also preserves and waterproofs the roof, prolonging its life for many years. The choice of the reclamation method is regulated by article 2 of the Italian Ministerial Decree D.M. 6/9/94.
CAP Arreghini anti-mould products are tested in accordance with standard EN15458/2006 and the results confirm their effectiveness against fungi and algae.
For some years now, CAP Arreghini has been involved in in-depth research and this has led to the development of products able to solve the problems related to the development of mould in living environments. ?Proven laboratory tests and a careful choice of raw materials contributed to the formulation of B1 Antimuffa (Anti-mould), Antimuffa A10 (Anti-mould), La Pittura Antimuffa (Anti-mould Paint), Murival 2000 TIX Antimuffa (Anti-mould), K32 Finitura Fibrato Antimuffa Antialga (Anti-mould Anti-algae Fibrous Finish), Trasil K2000 TIX Antimuffa Antialga (Anti-mould Anti-algae), K81 al Quarzo Antimuffa Antialga (Anti-mould Anti-algae Quartz) and Gradiente Pittura Anticondensa Antimuffa (Anti-condensation Anti-mould Paint) for the development of mould-resistant systems for interiors and of B25 Antialga Antimuffa (Anti-algae Anti-mould) for the development of algae-resistant systems for exteriors
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